Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hey, what's that?

This picture shows the amazing abilities of my Nokia 3230 cell phone's camera (megapixel camera, nothing less!) in capturing the turbulent Arabian sea on a full-moon night with a little bit of artificial lighting from the street lights. Impressive? ;-)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

If you are at Palaghat (Palakkad) railway station in Kerala and if you get hungry, no worries. You can go to vegetarian auxiliary stall or if you are non-vegetarian, you can go to non-vegetarian auxiliary stall.

auxialiary = snacks in Kerala?

Monday, March 12, 2007

Flexibility and humility - the two most needed qualities in Indian men today.

I saw this slogan at a handloom store in Calicut, famous for it's dhotis. Flexibility... I can understand and associate with dhotis... but humility? I don't know!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Roh-Afza in water?

I knew that people in Kerala drank warm water with jeera in it. Look at the color of the water - this is what I got in all restaurants at Calicut. I was told the color comes from some herbs. I prefer calling it highly diluted Roh-Afza.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Here is your chance to buy a site in a well 'planed' layout in Bangalore.

I guess they have their own runway for the 'planes'. With the traffic condition being what it is in Bangalore, planes may really be needed!